The LEDTEC made its debut in the Garden City, so did the Xplendid LED Lighting by Four Winds. It is obvious the residents look forward to build the city with more quality green products through the enthusiastic inquiries during the 3 days exhibition. From the distributors, designers, contractors and end users, unconcealed excitement about the innovation brought us full-cabinet of confidence of the market development.
With the modular system and convenient connection design, the installation of lighting becomes more and more prompt and facile. Yet there is still space for improvement, and we are implementing the better solution to our system and will present it to the market soon.
Feeling the hot demands of the products, Four Winds is planning to set up a contact with a showroom in Singapore in year 2012 in order to provide closer and stronger support to the customers. Thank you very much for visiting our exhibition. We look forward to being at your service locally soon.